I completely agree, follow your passions and obsessions because you want to! It’s weird how we do this as a child, but fall into the trap of talking ourselves out of it as an adult.

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I know right! That’s why we should never totally get rid of the child in us. They have wisdom that is useful for our entire lives.

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Some people are waiting for a compelling reason to do something. Usually, there isn't. You determine that it's important to you, then you do it. An important message, Harun. Thank you.

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Spot on, Pat! Doing things just because we want to is the only justification we need.

Thanks for commenting!

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I feel like the conception of adults needing to give up on their curiosity to be sad. As it means not being happy with things that naturally intrigue us.

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It is very sad indeed! To not be curious is to live life on auto-pilot. It is to go through life allowing your perspective to be dictated by others. Your life would be yours but would also not be yours. Your touch would not be present in your daily life. It is truly a sad existence.

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Jun 19Liked by Harun Kewa

It's great to hear someone encourage doing things just because you want to, without worrying about what society expects or when the "right time" is. Our interests change as life goes on, and that's completely fine.

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No one is a monolith. We are multifaceted creatures that will continue to change until we are no more. Resisting that is futile.

Thank you for your comment, Mo!

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Most of the times we like confirmation, putting ourselves in little boxes and defining ourselves in that way. Humans can do extraordinary things, what it takes is the right mindset a shift in perspective.

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Absolutely! Glad you enjoyed it.

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"When you start to do things for the simple sake of doing them, there will be nothing that you will feel you can’t do." yes! i always think that following what you feel like doing is following your gut instinct that guides you to where you need to be.

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Agreed! We get so caught up in doing what society deems to be right for us that we forget to do things that we actually like to do.

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Do things just because you love them, not for rewards.

Carpe diem my high school teacher used to say.

Thanks for this reminder, Harun.

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Couldn’t agree more! Your high school teacher sounds like a smart teacher.

Thank you for commenting.

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This resonates. And why I write. Reminds me of this one by Erich Fried.


What It Is

It is madness

says reason

It is what it is

says love

It is unhappiness

says caution

It is nothing but pain

says fear

It has no future

says insight

It is what it is

says love

It is ridiculous

says pride

It is foolish

says caution

It is impossible

says experience

It is what it is

says love.

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Wonderful words. Glad it resonated with you!

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deletedJul 6Liked by Harun Kewa
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Spot on, Ryan. Couldn’t have said it better!

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deletedJun 28Liked by Harun Kewa
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Thank you.

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deletedJun 18Liked by Harun Kewa
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These things have a way of finding us at the right time.

Glad you enjoyed it, Abdullah!

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RemovedJun 18Liked by Harun Kewa
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The right time is now.

Thank you for your kind words, Odinakachi.

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